From the Office



Maggie Painting
Guest Services Coordinator & Registrar

To Whom Would We Go?

When someone asked me to volunteer at camp two years ago, I was skeptical. I wasn’t sure I believed that a week spent at camp could make an eternal difference in a child’s life. And I wasn’t sure I wanted to spend an entire summer living in the middle of nowhere, far away from my family, with people I didn’t know, working long hours for little pay.

Once I got to Big Sandy for the first time, the story changed entirely. God was incredibly faithful in showing me his power and his ability to bring people to himself through a few days removed from their normal routine and daily habits. Some of the most powerful worship and passionate testimonies I have witnessed have occurred at camp.

That being said, I was more than excited to accept a full time job at Big Sandy working in the office. I am excited to share my gifts through this position by preparing camp for every individual who stays with us. I truly believe that God has done and will continue to do amazing things at Big Sandy Camp, so long as we seek to follow His will and glorify His name. My prayer is that we would all have the faith of Peter who, when asked if he would leave Jesus, said, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life. We believe, and we know you are the Holy One of God.” (John 6:68-69)