Programs and Activities



Ashley Mitchell
Assistant Program Director

Hello from the land of programs,

2018 has started off strong in the program department at Big Sandy Camp. We kicked off the new year with our three Avalanche Camps, all of which had our biggest numbers yet! Our Junior High and Senior High Avalanche Camps filled us up to maximum capacity. We had three awesome weekends with our Alliance youth groups playing games and learning more about Christ. Avalanche Camps have definitely made us even more excited for Summer Camp 2018. If you haven’t registered your kids yet, make sure you hop on our website and get them registered soon!

2018 has brought some very exciting changes within the program department here at Big Sandy Camp. The biggest change has been a change in personnel. After some conversations about camp, where we’re going, and what our needs are, we decided to make some changes to our staffing structure. Brian has moved over to Program Maintenance and I moved into the program department to be the Assistant Program Director.

This is a very exciting move for both Brian and me. These changes in position allow Brian and me to really focus in on the things that we are passionate about and get a lot more accomplished for camp. It has been a desire of mine to work in program for a long time and I am so excited to dive in!